لمحة عامة 

ستوفر هذه الدورة معرفة مكثفة ومهارات يدوية في أنشطة العمل على منصة الأعمال الميكانيكية كفني ميكانيكي. وتغطي الدورة أنظمة القياس الأساسية والرسومات الميكانيكية ، وتفسير واستخراج المعلومات من الرسومات ووضع العلامات كما تقدم مهارات الأعمال اليدوية في أداء عمليات القطع والتوسيع والحفر وكل مايتعلق بمهارات ربط الأنابيب ميكانيكا ً.

Course Description

This course will provide intensive knowledge and hand skills in bench work activities as A MECHANICAL technician. This will cover measuring SYSTEMS for both metric systems, mechanical drawings, INTERPRETATION, and EXTRACTING information from the drawings, marking, AND hand fitting skills in performing cutting, filing, reaming, drilling, threading, and tapping operations.

Target Audience 

Mechanical engineers, Mechanical technicians, Operators

Learning Outcomes

  • The participants will be able to state and practice the safety requirements in Mechanical Hand Skills.
  • The participants will have in-depth knowledge and the right techniques in hand skills such as measuring, marking out, cutting, filing, drilling, reaming, threading, tapping, and grinding work which they could apply in their job as mechanical TECHNICIANS in industries in a safe manner.

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