لمحة عامة 

تقدم الدورة تعريف الاستدامة و معلومات حول ثلاث ركائز للاستدامة. كما تشرح علاقة صناعة التعدين بالركائز البيئية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية للاستدامة. وتقدم أيضا هذه الدورة فكرة عن أنواع التصاريح وإجراءات الحصول على التصاريح ونتائج عدم الامتثال للتصاريح البيئية.

Course Description

The course provides definition of sustainability and gives information about three pillars of sustainability. The relationship of mining industry with environment, economic and social pillars of sustainability has been explained. It gives an idea about the types of permits, procedures to acquire permits and results of non-obedience to the environmental permits.

Target Audience 

Engineers, Technicians, Blasters, and all Field Blasting team

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify sustainability and give information about THE three pillars of sustainability.
  • Relate the mining industry TO ENVIRONMENTAL, economic, and social pillars of sustainability.
  • Identify the types of Work permits procedures and verify the results of non-obedience to the environmental permits.
  • Explain the critical environmental issues like emissions, acid rock drainage, biodiversity, and tailings management during each stage of mining.
  • Describe the environmental, social, and economic aspects during early stages as well as during later stages of mining.

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