لمحة عامة 

تقدم هذه الدورة المعرفة الكاملة حول التعدين السطحي. وتشمل التنقيب عن المعادن واستكشافها وتقييم الرواسب إضافة الى تقدير الموارد المعدنية ودراسات الجدوى وتقدير التكلفة كما تزود المشاركين بطرق التعدين السطحي والاستخراج الميكانيكي والاستخراج المائي.

Course Description

In this course, trainees will have an ESSENTIAL knowledge OF surface mining. This course includes exploration – prospecting and exploration of minerals; deposit assessment – mineral resource estimation, feasibility studies, and cost estimation; surface mining methods – mechanical extraction (open pit, strip mining, and quarrying) and AQUEOUS extraction.

Target Audience 

Engineers, Technicians, Blasters, and all Field Blasting team.

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the surface mining development stages, operations, methods, and consequences.
  • Describe mining prospecting and exploration of minerals, deposit assessment, and mechanical, aqueous extraction methods.
  • Describe the sequence of development, cycle of operations, conditions, characteristics, and applications of mechanical and aqueous extraction mining methods.

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