لمحة عامة 

تقدم هذه الدورة تدريباً لمسؤولي السلامة والصحة المهنية بشكل فاعل للتأكد من أن لديهم المعرفة والمهارات اللازمة لمساعدة مديري السلامة والصحة المهنية وآداء الواجبات الأخرى على النحو الذي يحدده صاحب العمل.

Course Description

Employees with safety responsibilities should be properly trained to help make sure they have the necessary knowledge and skills to assist safety managers and perform other duties as determined by the employer.

Target Audience 

Safety specialists who analyze many types of work environments and procedures or coordinators.

Learning Outcomes

  • Remain compliant with the Occupational Safety & Heath Administration (OSHA).
  • Effectively manage safety within your organization and make smart decisions.
  • Instill the commitment needed to make safety a priority in your organization.
  • Communicate your support for safety.
  • Decrease the long-term costs of doing business.
  • Use safety to differentiate and rise above your competitors.

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