أسئلة متكررة

هل لديك اي سؤال؟

Through repeated questions, we seek to convey the important information required according to the analysis of the communication questions that we received during previous years during our service to you at the Saudi Technical Institute for Mining.

أسئلة مكررة

هل التدريب منتهي بالتوظيف؟

Yes . Training ends with employment for the employing company

ما عدد سنوات التدريب في المعهد؟

Two years of training at the institute’s headquarters in Arar and six months of on-the-job training

ماهي التخصصات المتوفرة حاليا بالمعهد؟

The specializations available at the institute are underground mining, above-ground mining, mining operations, and specializations in electricity and mechanics.

هل المعهد حكومي وهل الشهادة معتمدة؟

The institute is semi-governmental and the certificate is accredited by the Ministry of Education and the General Corporation for Technical and Vocational Training.

متى يتم فتح بوابة القبول ؟

Training opportunities are announced at the institute based on companies’ needs. The admission portal is likely to open three times a year.

هل يوجد فروع بالمملكة العربية السعودية للمعهد؟

The only branch in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is currently in Arar. Other branches may be established as the need increases in the future.

ماهي المزايا التي يتمتع بها المتدرب اثناء تدريبه؟

The trainee enjoys a reward during training, in addition to housing or a housing allowance, and is registered with social insurance and medical insurance by the sponsoring company.

هل التوظيف مضمون بعد التخرج؟

Employment, God willing, is guaranteed if you successfully pass the program.

هل يحتسب المتدرب ضمن التأمينات الاجتماعية أثناء التدريب؟

Yes . Registers with Social Insurance.

ماهي أوقات التدريب في المعهد؟

Training times are from eight in the morning until three-thirty in the afternoon.

هل التدريب نظري أم عملي؟

The training in the first year includes studying the English language, computers, safety and life skills, and in the second year the training is practical on advanced simulators.

ما هو اسم الشهادة التي استلمها بعد التخرج؟

Mining Diploma Certificate, Electrical technician or mechanical technician.

هل يمكن تأجيل التدريب بعد قبولي في المعهد؟

Training cannot be postponed because the institute has a contract with the employing company and a specific training period.

لو كنت مسجلا في الموارد البشرية هل أكون ضمن المرشحين للقبول للتدريب في المعهد؟

You will not be accepted into the institute until it is confirmed that your name is not included in the Human Resources Fund.

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