First: Training Program

  • The training year is divided into three training trimesters, each training trimester lasting for 14 weeks.
  • Trainees go through stages during their training after successfully completing trimester courses. They are promoted to the next stage according to the training policies outlined in the training program plan.

Second: Attendance Policy

  • The new trainee will be terminated if he does not attend classes regularly during the first three days of training without a valid excuse approved by the training manager.
  • The trainee is committed to attending all training hours of his training courses.
  • The trainee will be terminated if he/she is absent for more than 32 training hours out of a total of 490 hours in one trimester.
  • The trainee must adhere to the rules of conduct and attendance. Appropriate warnings will be issued to violators. Necessary disciplinary action will be taken against them for violating the Code of Conduct and Attendance Policy.

Third: Attendance

  • In the event of the trainee’s repeated absence from training or complete cessation of training during the training program without valid excuses, the hours of absence will be deducted from his monthly salary by the recruitment company. The following disciplinary measures will be taken:
  • An initial written warning will be issued to the trainee if he/she is absent from the training program for 8 hours or a working day. These hours will be deducted from his/her monthly salary.
  • A second written warning will be issued to the trainee if he/she is absent from the training program for 16 hours or two working days. These hours will be deducted from his/her monthly salary.
  • A final written warning will be issued to the trainee in the event of his/her absence or withdrawal from the training program for a period of 24 hours or three working days. These hours will be deducted from his monthly salary.
  • An administrative decision is issued to terminate the trainee from the program if he/she exceeds 32 hours.

Fourth : Training Rules

  • The rules and regulations of the institute must be adhered to at all times.
  • In the event that the trainee does not comply with the rules and regulations of the institute, violations will be reported to the Training Manager to take the necessary punitive measures against the violator.
  • SMP official traninng hours are from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm, from Sunday to Thursday. Trainees will be under the direct supervision of their trainers. So , they must follow their instructions and directions.
  • Trainees must keep classrooms and study areas clean and organized. They must also use classrooms, laboratories and training workshops’ equipment and resources with appropriate care.
  • Trainees must ensure regular attendance throughout training periods and be punctual. They should always remember to bring their books and tablets with them to class.
  • Attendance is taken on a daily and hourly basis. In the event of absence due to illness, the trainee must submit an original sick leave report showing the diagnosis of his condition to the Training Department at the institute. In order for the trainee to successfully complete the training program.
  • Trainees must remain calm and disciplined throughout their training sessions in classrooms, laboratories or training workshops. Any misconduct or violation on the part of the trainee will not be tolerated.
  • Trainees must turn off their mobile phones or any other electronic devices while in classrooms, laboratories or training workshops. If the trainee uses his/her mobile phone during class or workshop, he/she will be dismissed from the class and marked absent. If this violation is repeated, the trainee will be given a warning.
  • Hats or sunglasses are not permitted at any time in class or any other training facility. If the trainee does not adhere to this, he or she will be dismissed from the class, marked absent, and will be warned for ignoring the class discipline policy.
  • Trainees are not allowed to speak loudly or behave inappropriately. If the trainee does not adhere to this, he/she will be dismissed from the class and marked absent. If the violation is repeated, the trainee will be warned not to ignore the classroom discipline policy.
  • Trainees are not allowed to read newspapers or magazines or eat or drink inside classrooms, laboratories or training workshops.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in the institute except for designated places. If the trainee does not adhere to this, he/she will be given a warning.
  • Violation warnings will be sent to the institute’s Training Department to determine the punitive action that will be taken against the violator.
  • Translation devices and electronic calculators are not permitted during quizzes or tests unless otherwise officially announced.
  • Emergency exits are only used in emergency situations. Misuse of fire alarms, fire extinguishers, or emergency exits, is a serious breach of discipline and will be dealt with accordingly.
  • SMP uniform must be worn appropriately at SMP premises.
  • Trainees must wear personal protective equipment (PPE), such as safety shoes, safety gloves, safety glasses and helmets in technical laboratories and training workshops.