Career Progression

Career Progression is a program in which trainees make gradual progress by working their way through three stages in the programme. The first stage begins in the first year and includes English language courses, as well as general courses on life skills, safety, computer, and chemistry. After that, they are promoted to the second year upon successful completion of the first year. This includes courses in specialty courses like Underground Mining, Surface Mining, Plant Operations, and others long with an emphasis on Technical English. After that, the trainee is promoted to an on-the-job training program at the recruitment company’s headquarters, which lasts for six months. After that, the trainee is evaluated and he/she gets their graduation certificates.

On-The-Job (OJT) Training

On-the-job training aims to enhance the trainee’s skills in line with the needs of the job. It provides trainees with an opportunity to apply what they have been trained to do at the institute and what they have gained from the experience of their trainers in mines and factories. After successfully completing this program, trainees will be ready to take up the job immediately upon graduation. The duration of this training ranges from 3 to 6 months, during which the trainee is evaluated to ensure his readiness to work in mines and factories.